Fall Classes!

Time to get back to learning!! Here are my Fall teaching offerings! Hope you can find something that you think you’d love! Remember to SCROLL down to see all the options!

Auarts, Alberta University of the Arts

1407 14 Ave, NW

Calgary, AB T2N 4R3

phone: 403-284-7640


Acrylic Painting Basics

Monday, October 3 – November 28

6:30 – 9:30pm

$355.00 & GST

Acrylic paints are so versatile and perfect for those who are new to painting. Learn the basics of colour theory, paint mixing, application techniques, and composition. Learn the basics of colour theory, paint mixing, application techniques, and composition while developing your skills AND confidence in your creative potential. 

See website for supply list.

Watercolour Painting Basics

Thursday, October 6 – November 24

6:30 – 9:30pm

$355.00 & GST

Watercolours can be challenging to work with, especially if you are new to painting, but understanding some basic watercolour handling and techniques will guarantee success. Learn how to stretch paper, proper brush handling, how to work wet-on-wet or drybrush along with some tricks of the trade and gain skills as you work through projects. 

See website for supply list

Swinton’s Art Supplies and Instruction

7160 Fisher St. SE

Calgary, AB T2H  0W5

phone: 403-258-3500 – call for info and registration!


Studio Classes

Ongoing, Every Wednesday from 

9:30 – 12:30 and 12:45 – 3:45

Supplies not included,  supply lists available.

Want to learn a new art skill? Got any art projects that you need help with? Come and join a friendly fun ongoing Studio class where you can get the help you need. We also offer the occasional group project which you always have the option to opt out of, of course. its all pretty fun.

Huntington Pioneers

located in the Huntington hills community Association, Lower level

520 778 Ave, NW

Calgary, AB   T2K 0S2

phone: 403-275-4294 – call for info and registration!


Beginners – 9:30 – 11:30am

Intermediate – 12 – 3pm

If you’re over 55 and are wanting to learn about art or develop some art skills or just want a friendly place to hang out and make cool things, join us! We have a fantastic time!

Supplies not included, supply lists available.

Online with Lori Lukasewich


email me!! – lsl@lorislukasewich.com

$25/class, paid monthly

on Zoom

Watercolour Ongoing Studio Class

Wednesday nights, 7-9pm

Acrylics Ongoing Studio Class

Thursday afternoons, 2-4pm

Its been a heck of a year!!

11 x 11″ Oil & Alkyd on Canvas $1300.00Cdn Unframed @CKG

From the Nature of Reality Exhibit @CKG in April/May

With all the weirdness of covid sort of, but not really past, tons of teaching and having had my wonderful exhibit at CKG in April/May, I’m relieved to have been mostly in the studio this summer trying to figure out my next phase. That always happens after I finish any body of work for a show.

I’m getting more clarity and energy, my vision is starting to form for the next big bunch of realist oil paintings. And I continue to work at my watercolour portraits and flowers – trying to find my voice there as well, so to speak.

Stat tuned for upcoming classes, workshops and even a possible new sales venue. So exciting!

Back at it – all the Workshops and course offerings for Fall 2021 – with an edit/addition!

Hi everyone! It’s been a long weird time all through covid, but Art goes on always. Here are the course and workshop offerings for Fall 2021!

As usual you can find me for ongoing in person Studio Classes at Swinton’s Art and Supplies, Studio 3, 7160 Fisher Street SE, Calgary AB, call 403-258-3500 to register, on Wednesdays 9:30am – 12:30pm and 12:45pm – 3:45pm.

edit! Oops! Forgot a couple of important classes! I have 2 Ongoing Online classes that some people are loving. Watercolour class on Wednesday nights from 7-9pm, and Acrylics class on Thursday afternoons from 2-4pm. $25/class, paid by eTransfer to lsl@lorislukasewich.com, monthly. This is a really nice option, especially during this horrible 4th wave of covid. You will need to download the Zoom app – free – onto your computer or iPad. I have further instructions if you are curious about signing up. just email me.

I’m changing venues for my in person Workshops. we will be presenting those through the Huntington Pioneers Association at the Huntington Hills Community Centre. You can contact me directly to register for those.

I will be posting more for Winter and Spring just around Christmas, so watch for that.

And now, here is what’s coming up this Fall!

We will require a proof of double vaccination for all in person classes.

[one time thing]

ONLINE! On Zoom!

Simple Flowers in Watercolour with 3 Colours

Saturday, October 16, 9:30 – 4


Simplifying flower forms and expressing their beauty in as loose a way as we can and using 3 colours to do it. Gorgeous!

E-Transfer the fee to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register. Shortly after that you will receive your Supply list and Course Outline.

Zoom is free for students to sign up for. If you need an info sheet about how to do it I can send that to you, just ask me. Its a better experience than I thought it would be once you get the hang of it.

Reconnect with Drawing Freedom – on Zoom!

Saturday. December 18

9:30 – 4


No kid under 6 years old thinks they can’t draw. Or sing or dance or paint. I’ve taught art for over 20 years and I see folks all the time who are intimidated by drawing. I’ve also taught a Children’s Book illustration Course for a very long time. I’ve had an idea to combine my experiences with those things and offer a way into drawing freedom – or a least fun. Let’s get back to drawing like our inner 4 year olds did and have some fun doing it.

The last time I gave this workshop we had such blast. Seriously fun and not quite what you’d expect. Everyone was drawing like crazy by the end!

E-Transfer the fee to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register. Shortly after that you will receive your Supply list and Course Outline.

Zoom is free for students to sign up for. If you need an info sheet about how to do it I can send that to you, just ask me. Its a better experience than I thought it would be once you get the hang of it.

In Person Workshops @ Huntington Pioneers @ Huntington Hills community Association

520 78 Ave NW, Calgary, AB

Abstract Art! What, Why, and How!

Saturday, November 20 & Sunday November 21

9:30am – 4pm, both days


Have you ever wondered why Abstract art is a thing? Been too intimidated by it? Then this workshop will give you a better understanding and actually help you become a better painter at the same time, no matter your preferred genre. This one is geared towards water media, but the concepts work with oils as well.

E-Transfer the fee to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register. Shortly after that you will receive your Supply list and Course Outline.

Zoom is free for students to sign up for. If you need an info sheet about how to do it I can send that to you, just ask me. Its a better experience than I thought it would be once you get the hang of it.

Charcoal Portraits of Adults

Saturday, January 15 & Sunday, January 16

9:30 – 4, both days


Learning a wonderfully forgiving charcoal technique, we will learn about adult facial

proportions – a great little map for placing adult features and building a likeness.

E-Transfer the fee to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register. Shortly after that you will receive your Supply list and Course Outline.

Zoom is free for students to sign up for. If you need an info sheet about how to do it I can send that to you, just ask me. Its a better experience than I thought it would be once you get the hang of it.

Under Construction!!

Hi everyone.

For the next little while this site will be Under Construction. I will announce on Social Media and to my Mailing List when the reconstruction of this sadly ailing site is done! I’m so looking forward to the total refreshment and brand new capabilities of the new look. 

In the meantime, all the menu items to the left have drop downs, and they do work, so please go there to find what you’re looking for, or use the search function. I hope you enjoy your visit to my page.



Goodbye 2020! Hello 2021

Hi Everyone!

While I’m happy to see the end of 2020, I’m also grateful for the experience of being able to teach online, which has connected and reconnected me with so many of you! I’ve really enjoyed the online experience. 

So, as we end the old year, this is a note to let you know where I’m starting off in the New Year. 

We will continue the ongoing online Studio Classes on Zoom, where you can paint what you want with my guidance and you can suggest projects or techniques that I can then give lessons on. As always you don’t have to do the project you can just paint what you like with help from me as you need it. $25/ class paid monthly. So January has 4 Wednesdays and 4 Thursdays, so the price will be $100. There are 2 of these classes, Wednesday evenings 7-9pm[Mostly watercolour] and Thursday afternoons 2-4pm [ a mix of acrylics and watercolour] so you can do any makeups in the other when you can. we can also add oil painting to any class if you want that. eTransfer to lukasewichlori@gmail.com

It has been suggested to me that I move the in person Abstract: What, Why, How workshop that I was going to give live at Swintons to a one day Saturday workshop which I will do. That info will be down at the bottom of this email. 

I will be planning the next 6 months worth of Saturday workshops in the next 2 weeks, so if you have any requests for subjects or techniques that you’d like to know more about, please let me know in the next couple of weeks and I’ll see what I can put together.

Whether you sign up for something or you don’t, I wish you a great New Year full of health, wealth, wisdom and love. 


Abstracts! What? Why? How!

Saturday, January 23, 9:39am- 3:30pm. 

$95 paid by eTransfer to lukasewichlori@gmail.com

then receive the Course Outline and Supply List. 

Fall 2020 Classes, Courses and Workshops

Hi everyone! Welcome to the page of ALL new Fall classes, courses and workshops that I will be teaching coming up. I hope you find something to interest you so you can sharpen up your art skills during these weird times.

Compositions in Complements

Colour Theory for Painters   TOTALLY NEW VENUE!!
Thursday evenings, 6 – 9pm at Studio Vasquez-MacKay
Suite 100, 441 5 Avenue, SW
September 10-October 8
In Person! Masks are mandatory and Social Distancing requirements and cleaning protocols will be in place..

Learn the basic fundamentals of colour theory in a course designed to simplify and enhance your painting practice. Colour is a vital component of the painting process. Using a Six Colour Single Pigment System you will work through a series of charts and exercises that will deepen your understanding of how colour is essential to your works effect and success. 

To register and see your supply list please visit:

At Riley Park

AUArts Acrylics 1 – ONLINE
Tuesday evenings, 6:30-9:30
October 13 – December 15

$385.00 Special Fall Price

What is it, how does it work, and how do I use it? This course is everything you need to know to get serious about painting in acrylics. Basic fundamentals through the specifics of different genres.  By the time we are through you should have enough working knowledge to get going on your own.

For more information  please go here: visit:https://www.auarts.ca/sites/default/files/Documents/Fall2020_CourseQuicklook_Web.pdf

Ongoing Studio Classes @Swinton’s

Wednesday Mornings, 9am – 12pm, starting September 2
Monday Afternoons, 12:30 – 3:30, starting September 14

In Person – Masks are mandatory and Social Distancing requirements and cleaning protocols will be in place

Your choice of mediums and subjects. Once you understand the fundamentals then you paint what you want and I help you.From time to time we do group exercises, which you can totally opt out of if you want. Ongoing interesting info about art. artists, art materials, making art and pretty much anything else todo with art. Pretty fun.

Call 403-258-3500 for more information and to register.

Mixed Media Flower Fun @ Swinton’s
Saturday & Sunday, November 28 & 29, 9am – 4pm


In Person.  Masks are mandatory and Social Distancing requirements and cleaning protocols will be in place.

Using Acrylics, inks and various mark making tools we will make up flowers and arrangements using our intuition and imagination.  Yes, its really fun!

For more information, supply lists and registration please go to:


Abstracts – What, Why, How?@Swinton’s

Sat & Sun, January 14 and 17, 9am – 4pm@Swintons 


In Person – Masks are mandatory and Social Distancing requirements and cleaning protocols will be in place.

Intrigued by abstraction but intimidated? come and fins out what it is, why we make it and how to make it – all in acrylics. Its easier than you think.

For Supply list and registrationplease visit:

Glazing, Layering and Creating Form in Watercolour – ONLINE

Online!  1 Day Workshop with Lori on Zoom!
Saturday, September 26, 9:30am – 3:30pm


Just what the title says – if you’ve ever wondered how to make convincing form in a watercolour painting then this workshop will really help.

You will receive the Supply list and Course Outline, and instructions for using Zoom,  when once you eTransfer $85 to lsl@lorislukasewich.com

Drawing with a Brush – ONLINE

Online!  1 Day Workshop with Lori on Zoom!
Saturday, October 24 26, 9;30am – 3:30pm


In ink or watercolour. Come along with me as I practice an alternate form of drawing and adapt my drawing style.

You will receive the Supply list and Course Outline, and instructions for using Zoom, once you eTransfer $85 to lsl@lorislukasewich.com

Old  Time Fairy Tale Illustration – ONLINE
Pen & Ink  & Watercolour

Online 1 Day workshop with Lori on Zoom
Saturday, December 5, 9am – 3:30pm


Using a technique favoured by the famous illustrators Rackham and Dulac, create a little piece of romance or adventure.

You will receive the Supply List, course outline and instructions for using Zoom, once you eTransfer $85 to lsl@lorislukasewich.com 


You paint what you want with my help. Occasional exercise for all – that you can totally opt out of. Lots of info about art, art materials, art techniques, artists and just about anything about art. And – yes. its FUN!!

$25/class, payable monthly on the last class of the previous month. Makeups available. 

Upcoming Courses and Teaching

Acrylic and metal leaf on board 3’h x 5’w $2875.00 Cdn

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my temporary teaching page. I’ve been working like crazy ever since covid hit on keeping some classes going online on Zoom  and introducing new ones, so I’ve been up to my ears with  the technological learning curve.

Folks are asking where they can see what’s available or currently being offered, so I thought I’d put up this page as a placeholder while I work on getting a proper teaching and registration section built now that I have the technology to do it properly. It is just me doing it all so please bear with me.

So far we have a couple of ongoing studio classes [ see info at bottom of page ] We have completed both Acrylics Basics and Watercolour Basics, as well as Sketchbooking. And this last week we started both Acrylics: Applying the Basics and Watercolour: Applying the Basics. All these courses are 6 weeks long, $150.00, and run from 7-9pm, Tues, Wed, or Thurs evenings. Course Outlines, Supply lists and Zoom instructions are delivered on my receipt of eTransfer to lsl@lorislukasewich.com. I will likely offer the same rotation again in September if I see enough demand for them.

I will be offering an in the flesh Wednesday morning ongoing studio class at Swintons in Studio 3, 9am – 12pm. Strict Covid protocols will be in place. Beginning Wednesday July 1. Call Swintons @ 258-3500 to register.

Please let me know – lsl@lorislukasewich.com –  if you have any questions or if there are any other online courses you would like to see in addition to this. Here is what is currently on offer for the summer:

One Day Workshops


Learning a wonderfully forgiving charcoal technique, we will learn about adult facial proportions  – a great little map for placing adult features and building a likeness. 

Saturday, July 4, 9am – 12pm, 12:30 – 3:30pm


eTransfer to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register and recieve your supply list.


Did you know that children’s facial proportions are quite different from adult facial proportions, and they change every couple years? Come and learn about how they change and how to approach this with a simple pencil and paper.

Saturday, July 18, 9am – 12pm, 12:30 – 3:30pm


eTransfer to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register and receive your supply list.


Saturday, August 8, 9am – 12pm, 12:30 – 3:30pm

Simplifying flower forms and expressing their beauty in as loose a way as we can and using 3 colours to do it.


eTransfer to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register and recieve your supply list.


Really freeing technique for loose and expressive landscapes. How to use Aerial perspective and a couple of simple concepts to make fun paintings.

Saturday, August 22, 9am – 12pm, 12:30 – 3:30pm


eTransfer to lsl@lorislukasewich.com to register and recieve your supply list.

Beginning Thursday we will be starting an Ongoing Studio class where you do whatever you want with my help, once I feel you have the basics down. We do have group exercises from time to time, that you can join into if you want to. 

Thursday mornings – 10am – 1pm on Zoom. 

The online format – Zoom –  has become quite a comfortable way to paint for many of us. It’s much easier and effective than you might think. 

The fees are $25/class, charged monthly and due the last week of the previous month. eTRansfer me – lsl@lorislukasewich.com to sign up.

Verna Vogel’s Fragile Planets

Verna Vogel's Fragile Planets exhibit

Verna Vogel’s Fragile Planets exhibit @ OAG


Calgary artist Verna Vogel will be opening her show – FRAGILE PLANETS – at the Okotoks Art Gallery [ https://www.okotoks.ca/discover-okotoks/community-events-calendar/fragile-planets-verna-vogel ] this Saturday from 11am to 3pm. 

Verna is a sublime abstractionist, weaving layers of strong opaque colour with both delicate and intense glazes, along with vigorous mark making, she seemingly effortlessly finds endless iterations of line and circle. Her work is always an inspiration.

In this exhibit she works 3 dimensionally, with her focus on the iconic metaphorical image of the circle exploring depths of meaning.

She will be showing alongside the peerless Eveline Kolijn. Go see this show, you will be transported. FRAGILE PLANETS was first shown at the Western GM Drumheller Gallery in 2017.

Here is her Artist’s statement:

Exploring boundaries and extensions of block printing, Fragile Planets is a circular meditation on human sensory perception.

In a world flooded with visual reproductions, we may often encounter a thing through its image, before (or instead of) experiencing it “in real life”. Are both the print and its original source equally valid?

A circle, one of the ancient symbols used by human civilization, carries strong connotations. The layered circular form of Fragile Planets may encourage contemplations of strength and fragility: a circle is protective, capable of excluding or containing worlds; yet permeable, allowing for entry or exit at any point.

You can see more of Verna’s works on her website : 




Fantasia is here!!

So many friends!! Love you all!

What a wonderful opening and Artists talk. 

So many lovely people came out to see the new works and to support. It was a real pleasure to meet Chris Kuzmanovitch, whose gorgeous abstractions are a perfect foil for my realism. 

And our Artist’s Talks on Saturday, October 13, were really fun and well received. Thanks to everyone for all the great questions.

If you want to see the rest of the paintings and read the written part of the Artists Talk?- just look to your right under Exhibits and click on Fantasia! Remember that seeing them in the gallery space where they can really breathe is a different experience than seeing them on a screen. But we do our best, right? Enjoy!!

Big thanks to Christine Klassen Gallery – Christine and Hilary, for their lovely ongoing support.

Opening night for Fantasia!!

Artist’s Talk on Saturday!